open adoption


Prior to the 1970’s, the most common type of adoption was closed adoption. Secrecy surrounded the process to protect the privacy of all people involved. The birth parents and adoptive parents rarely met face to face or ever knew anything about each other. Adoptees grew up with questions, fears, fantasies, and sometimes, a feeling of abandonment. Toward the early 1980’s, the process of adoption began to undergo some drastic changes after some members of the adoption triad began to express their pains and difficulties with a closed adoption. Today, most adoptions are open adoptions.

Not everyone agrees on the definition of “Open Adoption”. At a minimum, it means that the birth parents and adoptive parents share “identifying” information. At Family Network Adoption Center open adoption means “no secrets”. Expectant parents can choose the family they think is ideal for their child, meet them if they wish, and have the opportunity to get to know the prospective adopting parents during the pregnancy, which can benefit all members of the adoption triad – birth parents, adopting parents and most importantly, the child.

Over the years they have the opportunity to share photos, letters and even visits if agreed upon. While the birth parents have the opportunity to form an ongoing relationship with the adopting parents and the child, open adoption is NOT shared or co- parenting. 

Each situation is different. Some adoptive and birth families form a natural, easy connection and have a comfortable ongoing relationship where they become “extended family”. Other birth parents prefer getting pictures and updates over the years with no visits. The success of open adoption is based on trust and respect for and between the parties involved.

In our 45 years of adoption experience, we know that every birth mom LOVES her baby and most likely would have parented if circumstances were different. She chose adoption for her baby’s sake, and sacrificed so that her child could have the life she could not offer at the time. With open adoption the child grows up knowing their heritage, their medical history and insight into their physical features. Most importantly, the child will know their birth parents, and that they are deeply loved and wanted by the adoptive parents.  Knowing ALL of themselves helps give the child a more solid foundation and sense of self which can lessen the turmoil during the identify phase of adolescence.

At Family Network Adoption Center, we believe in HOLISTIC ADOPTION, which is an approach that strives for wholeness for all members of the adoption triad - birth parents, adoptive parents and adoptees. With the right support, the challenges that come with adoption can be an invitation to fuel self-growth by facing insecurities & unmet needs from childhood that often show up in adulthood if not dealt with. Adoption is a wonderful opportunity to level up the whole person and create healthier generations.

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